multi generational family apple orchard business

Succession Planning for Family-Owned Businesses

There are few things more rewarding than building a family-owned business. Here in Pennsylvania, many hardworking people create businesses that employ members of their immediate and extended families. Whether a restaurant, hardware store, professional office, or light industry, family-owned businesses have the advantage of providing employment for people you know, love, and...

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Older business woman with younger business woman

Steps for Crafting a Business Succession Plan

No company can survive without a capable owner, executive, or shareholder at the head of the business. In the event of a key member’s sudden death, illness, or retirement, businesses are often left scrambling to recover lost assets and find a replacement. Large corporations and small businesses alike can avoid a rough...

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Business law attorney meeting with clients

Why Plan for Business Succession?

Planning for core changes among a business’s key players is essential to help ensure its longevity. A business is not often placed in such a strong cone of uncertainty as when business leadership is up in the air. To calm the rough waters that can be in place when a business’s leadership...

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business partners looking at potential business structures

Choosing a Business Structure

When you start out on your business journey, there are going to be many decisions to make. In fact, it may feel like a never-ending to-do list of business decisions you need to make. Thus is the nature of being an entrepreneur, right? One of the biggest decisions you will make, however,...

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business colleagues around a table

Stop Your Business from Getting Sued

We pour so much of ourselves into our businesses. We put our energy, our money, and our time into them, and so much more. Unfortunately, even the most rapidly growing and thriving businesses can be hit hard when a lawsuit lands in their laps. A lawsuit can not only risk the...

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business succession plan

Do You Have a Business Succession Plan in Place?

We pour ourselves into our business. Our time, our money, and so much more goes into building up a successful enterprise and seeing it thrive throughout the years. For all that we put into our businesses, it is surprising that so many people continue to operate their businesses without a business...

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