non-disclosure agreement paperwork

Pros and Cons Of Non-Disclosure Agreements

Non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) have become a focal point of controversy and debate in Pennsylvania, raising questions about transparency and privacy in both corporate and public sectors. These legal contracts, designed to keep certain information confidential, are increasingly scrutinized for how they balance protecting business interests and individual rights against the need for public accountability. As a result of this scrutiny, examining the pros and cons of these types of agreements is helpful.

Non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) are legal contracts that create a confidential relationship between a person who holds sensitive information and a person who is privy to that information. These agreements are commonly used in business and personal contexts to protect trade secrets, proprietary information, and other sensitive data.

The pros of these non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) are as follows:

  • Protection of Sensitive Information: NDAs are essential for businesses that wish to protect their intellectual property, trade secrets, or any information that provides them a competitive edge, crucial in sectors like technology, manufacturing, and pharmaceuticals, where proprietary information is a valuable asset.
  • Clear Legal Recourse: NDAs provide a clear legal path for recourse if there happens to be a breach of privacy. The terms are usually specific about what constitutes a breach and the consequences, thus providing a deterrent against unauthorized disclosure.
  • Business Relationships and Trust: By signing an NDA, parties signal that they are trustworthy and serious about maintaining confidentiality, which can enhance business relationships and open up opportunities for more open and significant exchanges of information.
  • Tailored to Specific Needs: In Pennsylvania, as elsewhere, parties can tailor the NDAs to meet their specific requirements. These agreements can vary in duration, scope, and information types, making them a flexible tool for many scenarios.

The cons of these NDAs are as follows:

  • Limitation on Freedom of Speech: NDAs can restrict an individual’s freedom to speak out, especially where there are public interest issues, such as safety violations, harassment, or other unethical behaviors.
  • Enforcement Challenges: While NDAs provide a clear legal framework, enforcing them can be costly and time-consuming. The aggrieved party often must prove that a breach occurred and that the disclosed information was confidential and covered under the NDA.
  • Potential for Abuse: Employers or parties with more bargaining power can abuse NDAs to suppress whistleblowing or hide misconduct. This type of behavior has been a significant point of concern in cases involving harassment or illegal activities.
  • Impact on Future Employment: An NDA can limit career opportunities for employees. Restrictions on using skills and knowledge gained during employment can make it challenging for individuals to find new jobs in the same field.

Legal Considerations in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania law will enforce an NDA provided it is reasonable in scope and duration and protects a legitimate business interest. Courts will generally consider the agreement’s reasonableness in terms of what it seeks to protect, for how long, and whether it is overly restrictive in light of the interests at stake.


As you can see, there are advantages and disadvantages to non-disclosure agreements. Suppose you have been a party to an NDA in your employment and have encountered issues that interfere with your rights or opportunities. In that case, Jones Gregg Creehan & Gerace has experienced attorneys who can advocate for you and help you seek the remedy you seek. Contact us today.