Stock numbers.

How to Protect Your Digital Assets

In today’s digital age, more and more photos, letters, and financial accounts, which were once stored in drawers, file cabinets, and safes, are now often saved in the cloud or on hard drives. As a result, the importance of including digital assets in estate planning becomes apparent. Similar to our tangible...

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Unmarried couple with estate planning lawyer

Why Unmarried Couples Should Have An Estate Plan

In a time where there is increased diversity of familial units, it is crucial for unmarried couples to consider the role of estate planning in securing their future. Unlike their married counterparts, unmarried partners often do not automatically benefit from the legal protections and rights that marriage confers, especially with respect to...

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Older woman sitting with estate planning attorney

What Having an Incapacity Plan Can Accomplish

Incapacity planning is a critical aspect of personal and financial well-being that gets overlooked all too often. It involves creating a comprehensive strategy to address the possibility of becoming mentally or physically incapacitated and being unable to make important decisions about your own life and asset management. While contemplating the possibility...

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Woman going over estate plan with attorney

What are the Benefits of Preparing a Will?

Have you had estate planning on your to do list for a long time and somehow it keeps getting bumped by seemingly more pressing matters? Do you think about creating a will but have consistently put it off? Well, creating a will is not necessarily something a person looks forward to. It...

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Man working on his estate plan

Key Considerations When Choosing a Trustee

So, you have decided to incorporate a trust into your estate plan. Great! Trusts can accomplish a number of important goals for your future and that of your loved ones. A big part of setting up your trust for success, however, is choosing the right trustee. Trustees, of course, play a...

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Couple going over estate plan with attorney

Charitable Giving and Estate Planning

Many of us have a cause or charity that is near and dear to our heart. When you begin thinking about estate planning and how you want your assets distributed, you may want to consider the inclusion of charitable giving in your plans. Even if that has not crossed your mind...

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Couple estate planning with attorney

Why Put a Power of Attorney in Place?

A really vital part of estate planning is planning not for death, but incapacitation. Yes, neither make for pleasant conversation, but these are issues that we must all confront if we are to put plans in place to protect our wishes and our goals for the future. It does not matter how...

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