What Happens When You Die Without an Estate Plan?

Many people have taken steps to provide for their loved ones for when they are no longer here. Whether they set up a will or a trust, they have taken estate planning steps to make sure that issues are addressed to ensure the payment of expenses and the smooth transfer of assets...

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Understanding Commercial Real Estate Leases

Negotiating a commercial real estate lease is often one of the most critical aspects of starting or operating a business. Knowing what goes into a commercial lease and how to negotiate favorable terms can help your business achieve operational success.

Types of Commercial Real Estate Lease
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Navigating Business Partnership Disputes Without Going to Court

Are you looking for a way to resolve a business partnership dispute without lengthy and expensive court proceedings? Out-of-court solutions like mediation and arbitration can save time, reduce costs, and keep the focus on preserving your business. Here’s what you need to know about how to resolve partnership disputes without court intervention.

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New year number 2025 on the calculator screen, at financial analysis desk

Year-End Tax Planning Tips for Businesses

Few things can be as nerve-wracking for small businesses as planning for tax season. While you have been busy trying to make money and keep your business running, in the background has been the need to get the information you need ready for filing with the IRS. Still, taxes are a fact...

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Male hand showing R-Registered trademark on wooden block.

Trademark Law Basics for Entrepreneurs

If you are looking to protect the intellectual property of your business, there are a number of steps you can take to make sure that your competitors cannot steal what you have worked hard to create. For example, you can protect any unique process or formula with a patent, while any printed...

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Businessmen shaking hands with businesswoman in background

What to Know Before Entering into a Joint Venture

Many businesses are able to create new products and bring them to market all through their own processes. But sometimes keeping everything in house is not the most efficient or effective way to do business. In addition, another company may have a patented process or device that you want to incorporate into...

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